I am weak, then am I strong

2 Corinthians 12:10

Is it ever too difficult to look in the mirror and pick out the flaws in your life?  I’m not talking about physical blemishes but lack of personal development.  Sometimes it’s difficult to admit to our own shortcomings but it’s your biggest opportunity for self-improvement.  If you are able to do this, it will not only improve your relationships but it will also improve your health, financial shortcomings and more.

Just think about the margin of gain when it comes to improving the one thing that you suck at the most.  If you can develop your personality in such a way that it becomes your greatest strength, you have made a better you.  If you work on something you’re “decent” at, there is marginal room for improvement and not a vast change in who you are.

Don’t always focus on the things that come easy.  Work on your biggest weakness and you will undoubtedly see a better version of yourself.  Personal growth can be so rewarding if you take a clear assessment of who you are and openly embrace your weakness, turning them into your biggest strength; You will have the ultimate self-improvement.

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